<p>PCX Upgrade</p>

PCX Upgrade

The PCX particle counter module streamlines flow checks with integrated flow sensing and automated flow control. The PCX PM10 and PM2.5 measurements are both MCerts certified, so now users will get certified results for both channels simultaneously in one unit. The PCX module comes supplied with everything you need to upgrade AQS 1 and Dust Sentry units.


PCX Module
The PCX PM module comprises an optical particle counter that uses scattered light to size and count particles. The amount of scattered light is converted to a voltage pulse and the amplitude of that voltage pulse is calibrated to a particle diameter. The particles are assigned based on diameter to one of six particle count channels. Using a proprietary algorithm, particle counts for each size fraction are converted into mass measurements, providing continuous and simultaneous measurement of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 and TSP.

Learn more about particulate matter (PM) measurement principles, specifications and performance on the PM measurements page.